One form of solar energy is wind energy. Wind is a natural power source that can be economically used to generate electricity. The way in which wind is created is from the atmosphere of the sun causing areas of uneven heating. In conjunction with the uneven heating of the sun, rotation of the earth and the rockiness of the earth’s surface wind is formed.
Patterns of wind are shaped from vegetative cover, the earth’s oceans and terrain. People found out years ago that wind can be harvested, so to say, as a source of electricity. As resources, like oil, become more expensive many are looking towards alternative power sources. Our natural resources are depleting each and every day. It seems that wind as a generator of electricity is quickly becoming a present and future energy solution.
#The Wind Turbine Explained
A turbine is used in order to harness the power of the wind into the mechanical power of electricity. The term wind energy is the process of converting wind into a valuable power source. The wind turbine is designed to take the kinetic energy of the wind and turn it into pure mechanical power. The power of the wind can be used in many different ways. The kinetic energy of the wind can be used on a farm for pumping water or grinding grain. When the natural energy of the wind is transferred to a generator the power is used as electricity for businesses, homes and schools.
A wind turbine resembles the propeller blades of aircraft carriers. The propeller blades of the turbine rotate because of the moving air. The rotation of the propellers powers an electric generator. It is this generator that supplies a home or business with electric current. To simplify the process the wind rotates the blades, the rotation causes a shaft to spin, the shaft connects to a generator to make electricity.
There are two different types of wind turbines that are currently in use. The first type originates from the vertical-axis design. A model based after this design is the Darries model which utilizes the style of an eggbeater. The second type of wind turbine is based after the horizontal-axis design. These wind turbines are very much like the windmills found on farms used for daily chores like pumping water. Modern wind turbines, large in size, are created from the horizontal-axis original design.
A turbine consists of a few essential components. A horizontal turbine is made up of a rotor or blade. The blade is responsible for converting the kinetic energy found in the wind into energy powering the rotational shaft. The drive train of the wind turbine includes a generator and a gearbox. A wind turbine has a tower that supports both the drive train and the rotor. Other equipment that can be found in a horizontal turbine are interconnection equipment, electrical cables, controls and ground support equipment.
A wind farm is used to generate electricity in bulk. Several wind turbines, grouped together, form a wind farm. The electrical power that is generated from the turbines is distributed to customers from a utility grid. The utility grid works much in the same way as a conventional power plant.
There are a number of sizes and power ratings of different wind turbines. The largest wind turbine that was created to generate electricity has blades that are the length of a High School football field. The wind turbine stands an amazing twenty stories high and the rotors are up to twenty-five feet in diameter. A wind turbine of this size is able to supply the electrical needs of a small business or home. A single small turbine can be used to generate electricity for a water pump, home or telecommunication devices. A small turbine is capable of producing fifty kilowatts of power.
#The Wind Energy Resources of the United States
There are many places in the United States where energy is abundant. The way wind energy is categorized is by wind-power density. The classes of the wind power density starts at class one and ranges to class seven. A good wind resource is considered to be a class three or above. A class three is a wind speed of thirteen mile an hour or more. The speed of the wind is very important when calculating the wind resources. In layman’s terms this means that the stronger or faster the wind speed is the more power that is generated.
#The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Wind Energy
One of the biggest advantages of using wind energy as a power source is that wind is a free, renewable resource. Wind will not deplete or go up in cost. No matter how much wind energy is used this week there will always be more wind energy for the next week, month and year. This is a reliable energy supply for the future.
Another advantage to using wind energy is that this is a power source that is non-polluting and clean. A conventional power plant is responsible for not only generating electricity but also pollutants that enter the air. Some of the pollutants that are released include greenhouse gases. The United States Department of Energy conducted a study in the 1990’s that found out the state of California’s wind farms offset over two billion pounds of carbon dioxide. The same study also found that from using wind farms California stopped over fifteen million pollutants from entering the air. A forest, consisting of ninety to two hundred million trees would have to be used in order to produce the same quality of air.
The cost of using wind power as an energy resource has decreased incredibly over the past ten years. This has been an even more dramatic decrease in recent years. Wind energy technology is a higher initial investment then using an energy source like fossil-fueled generators. The cost of generating wind power comes from the cost of machinery, installation and site preparation. These three factors make up over eighty percent of the initial start up cost. The cost of wind energy used over the course of a lifetime though, is lower then using fossil-fueled systems. This is because there are minimal operating expenses and there is no fuel to purchase. So in the long run wind power is cheaper then other forms of energy.
The only environmental concerns of using wind power plants is the amount of noise that is produced from the rotor blades. Also, bats and birds have been known to be killed from flying into the blades of the wind turbine. These two problems have almost been solved or at least reduced from the development of new and improved wind power plants. In the near future there will not be any environmental concern about using wind energy as a power source.
The one problem with using wind energy, that sometimes proves to be a challenge, is the fact that the wind is intermittent. Wind is known for not always blowing when electricity is needed by a home or business. The wind that is harnessed can not be stored. Only the wind generated electricity is able to be stored for use at a later time. Wind can not always be harnessed to meet the consumer’s electricity demands. This is an issue that energy experts and scientists are currently working on resolving.
An operating wind farm should be built in a remote location. The location should be far away from areas of extreme electrical demand such as a city. An example of a good location for a wind farm is on farming land or grazing land. In reality though, almost any location that is remote and empty can be used for a wind farm.
#Explanation of Renewable Energy Credits
A renewable energy credit is a tradable unit that represents a commodity that was formed from environmental attributes of a unit of electricity generated or renewable energy. There are two commodities that renewable energy credits consist of. The first commodity is the “value of electricity generated using a renewable energy source such as solar, wind, biogas, etc.” The second commodity deals with the “green non-electricity environmental benefits or attributes associated with renewable generation.”
The benefits of renewable energy credits is that a tradable market for renewable energy attributes is created. These types of credits are often traded to offset and reduce projects from fossil fired units. Another benefit is that REC’s are used to create environmental friendly events and conferences such as the “Carbon Neutral.” The REC’s can be used by the participants of the conference to cover travel expenses.
Companies, in the United States, that are in the process of developing renewable energy projects are able to obtain REC’s. This is the credit mechanism that is used in many states throughout America. In fact several states require the use of renewable energy credits when mandating a program such as renewable energy portfolio standards. This means that energy sales must be derived from renewable, natural resources. Penalties may be given if a utility company does not comply. An example of this practice is that thirty percent of electricity generated in Maine must be from renewable sources.
In conclusion governments around the world are now realizing the importance of using renewable sources in order to generate electricity. This is the future of energy and we must start thinking about the future now. -John Curtis
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