it's about how to save our planet from global warming.
Why?? cause not just ME stay in this planet there are YOU, THEM, OUR KIDS AND MANY BEAUTIFUL THING. so come on let's save OUR PLANET!!
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Apr 28, 2009

3 Ways to Go Green in the Classroom

Most teachers realize that they have influence over their students, and can teach excellent green lifestyle principles without having to do much work. There are 3 really simple ways to go green in the classroom that will teach your students a thing or two about taking the green lifestyle home. Here are some easy ways to go green in your classroom, and to teach your students about eco-friendly living.

#1: Do not ask for your students to buy new materials or supplies unless they are absolutely necessary. Can your students keep using the same notebooks, pencils, markers and supplies that they used in your classroom last year? Consider buying a single set of these items and reusing them from class to class until they absolutely cannot survive another year. Encourage your students to reuse their supplies rather than buying new and teach them what it means to do green things and to life a green lifestyle. This way, when they come to class without new gear this year, they will not feel at a disadvantage.

#2: Do not use paper for assignments and projects unless you have to. Can you use the whiteboard or chalkboard to do your teaching? Can students send their homework assignments in by e-mail? Save paper whenever you can, and you will make a huge difference. There are numerous ways for you not to use or abuse paper in the classroom, you simply have to be creative when thinking up ways to go green in the classroom.

#3: Provide recycled paper whenever paper is necessary. If you do have to assign paper-driven homework assignments but are looking for ways to go green, consider buying recycled paper or reusing the same paper. If students have to take notes, let them take notes and turn in their assignments on the same pages. Encourage use and reuse of recycled pieces of paper and teach your students what it means to use less paper and to save more trees in the long run. Using recycled paper is infinitely better than using fresh paper over and over, and it promotes a green lifestyle for you and your students through and through. -gogreenlifestyle

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