it's about how to save our planet from global warming.
Why?? cause not just ME stay in this planet there are YOU, THEM, OUR KIDS AND MANY BEAUTIFUL THING. so come on let's save OUR PLANET!!
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Apr 28, 2009

Recycling Your Old Tires

It’s quite an eyesore to have a stack of old tires in your garage or your backyard, and on top of that, they are a known breeding ground for all types of nasty misquitos. So, instead of letting them take up valuable space, or worse, letting them go to a dump where they won’t be recycled, do yourself and the environment a favor by having those tires recycled.

What Happens To The Tires?
Recycled tires are broken down by removing the fibres and steel so that they can be transformed into crumb rubber and then used for new products like flooring, turf, rubberized asphalt, and many materials that can be used for new highway contruction.

How To Dispose Of The Old Tires:
Almost every tire shop, especially these days, has a process to dispose of and recycle the old tires. Give your local shop a call and ask them if they will take yours. Often they will but sometimes for a small fee. You can also check with your municipality. Some areas are willing to take a small number of tires for pick up and recycle on regular garbage day, or they have a special day of the year (i.e. spring clean up) where they will pick up basically anything.

If you only have one or two old tires laying around, you could always add a chain and create a swing or fill up the middle in a creative way to produce a plaything for the kids or grandkids in the backyard! -gogreenlifestyle

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