it's about how to save our planet from global warming.
Why?? cause not just ME stay in this planet there are YOU, THEM, OUR KIDS AND MANY BEAUTIFUL THING. so come on let's save OUR PLANET!!
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May 22, 2009

Eco Carpet Cleaning – Go Green and Reap the Rewards

In recent years many Carpet Cleaning businesses have been pursuing green methods of cleaning to avoid using dangerous and polluting chemicals in the industry in favour of more natural solutions. Years ago, it was said that carpet cleaning chemicals got into the air of a room when applied during cleaning, and could also be ingested by kids who played on the floor soon afterwards. Besides such health hazards, carpet cleaning chemicals could pollute local groundwater if disposed of improperly (such as directly down your drain). Also, waste water from carpet cleaning required treatment and/or filtration in order to neutralize contaminants.

The local carpet cleaning businesses that have greened up their processes are now reaping the rewards as environmentally aware consumers take advantage of a more responsible approach to cleaning their carpets and upholstery.

The health benefits come without additional cost and indeed considerable savings can be made from using such methods. Nowadays more and more people are well aware of the long-term health effects of toxic chemicals in cleaning products and appreciate the benefits of using companies that use products that are safe, more effective and better for the environment. An Eco Friendly Carpet Cleaning service involves using products which are free of detergents, free of toxic chemicals and free of harmful solvents. These products are completely safe to children and pets, are water based and do not contain solvents, bleaches, enzymes or phosphates. These new natural products promote good health, sustain the environment and at the same time remain highly effective and produce superb results.

What motivates the local business to be green? Is there a genuine concern for the planet and its occupants or is it just good for business? Probably a bit of both…. -Bob Robertson

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