- Make a film. Leonardo DiCaprio co-wrote, co-produced and narrated "The 11th Hour," a documentary about the grave state of our planet and its inhabitants. The movie not only describes the problems we face, but discusses how everybody can contribute to meaningful solutions.
- Create a website. DiCaprio's Eco-Site features current events alerts, calls to action and fact-filled articles. Through his site, DiCaprio provides information for anybody who wants to have an impact, no matter on how small a scale.
- Build a green hotel. DiCaprio is teaming up with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts to build an eco-friendly hotel in the Caribbean, near Belize. If you lack the funds to take such a drastic step, stay in hotels that reduce their negative effect on the environment and local economies.
- Furnish your home with environmentally friendly items. Leo DiCaprio dropped over $3,000 on an energy efficient toilet, has bamboo floors and sleeps on organic sheets.
- Drive a hybrid. DiCaprio owns a Toyota Prius, a car that runs on a combination of gasoline and electric power and gets more than 50 miles per gallon.
- Use alternative energy. Leonardo DiCaprio's powers his home with solar panels. Although the cost of installing solar power are relatively high, many cities offer meaningful rebates and participating homeowners enjoy greatly reduced energy bills.
- Rumor has it that DiCaprio is a vegetarian, although some waitresses report serving him chicken dishes. Animal agriculture contributes significantly to harmful greenhouse emissions, including nitrous oxide and methane. Reducing or eliminating meat consumption, therefore, can have a tremendous positive impact on the environment. -eHow
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