When the nutrients in each organic fruit or vegetable are compared to their traditional counterparts, they’ve been found to have significantly more beneficial substances. In some cases, there was as many as three times the amount of certain nutrients. In one study, organic oranges were half the size of the traditionally grown oranges and still had more vital nutrients. You may just consider taking a multivitamin; this isn’t going to give you everything your body needs to function, but eating appropriate amounts of organic fruits and vegetables can.
If you doubt that organics are healthier for you, think about the fact that the artificial chemicals they contain have only been eaten for a small fraction of the time humans have been around. These chemicals stress your liver and cannot be filtered. This causes them to build up in the fat stores of your body and has been linked to storing even more fat. If you’re concerned about getting these chemicals out sooner rather than later, you can go on a juice fast just prior to starting an organic diet, but this should be supervised by a nutritionist or medical professional.
So I’ve said that the amount of nutrients and lack of harmful chemicals helps your body function more efficiently, but you’re probably wondering how this helps you to finally lose all that weight. First of all, by digesting food quickly and efficiently, you’re not only increasing your metabolism (which is essential to weight loss), you also able to gain the full energy potential of your food. This means you’ll be less fatigued and ready to get up and move. That way you’ll have all the energy you need to get moving and burn off even more calories. Studies have also found that rats who consume organics sleep better. That means you’ll be even more rested and ready to conquer the day, and maybe even a morning run.
Another advantage to your body working properly is that you’re less likely to get sick. Staying healthy gives you system more energy it would normally be using to fight off infection. You’ll also be more motivated to stay on your diet if it keeps you feeling healthy.
While switching to an organic diet is a great way to lose weight, you should also remember to eat the right organic diet. Try to eat fresh, unprocessed foods that contain a lot of fiber. This will keep you feeing better and help you lose even more. -ecofriendlyliving
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