Creating an earthen wall or room is actually quite simple. You could even create earthen accents and decorative art pieces to be mounted on your walls. To get started, you will first need some mud, which is basically clay-like subsoil, sand, fiber and water. Clay is the binder, while sand and fiber limit cracking. In fact, if you would like more of a hard and tough earthen wall - one that can be cleaned easily without rubbing away any plaster - it is better to use more of a fine clay soil and sharp quartz sand.
A standard earthen plaster recipe is this:
- One part clay soil
- Three to four parts sand
- One-half part fine fiber
- Enough water to make the plaster into a consistency slightly wetter than peanut butter.
- If you would like to add colored earth pigments, you can do so in the mix or can later paint it over the wall.
- For making earthen art, add lime putty or wheat paste to help bind the plaster even more.
You probably will not be able to get the wall more than two inches thick before it starts to crack and clump. Let your first application dry, then you can make another coat if needed. If you decide to add more, it is recommended to use a longer fiber to give the mud more to grab onto. Before the mud dries all they way, consider giving it texture with a small stick. Experiment. The number of designs you can do is infinite. Draw something out on paper ahead of time. Better yet, buy a sheet of drywall and do a practice application first. If you plan to incorporate earthen accessories and artwork, make a separate batch of plaster (remember to add your wheat paste or lime putty) and design away. For example, you can make candle holders or mantles that are blended with and extend directly from the wall. If you need some help attaching your accessories to the earthen wall, try painting sodium silicate or casein over the plaster first.
Ready to get dirty! We hope so. Making an earthen wall is a very affordable way to bring new life and Mother Nature into your home, and is a creative, fun and easy project to share with a loved one. -Ry
Thank for great tips