The first and perhaps the most practical reason is this – high electric bills. Costs of living are increasing and many families are now struggling to pay their bills. With growing bills, it is very hard for families to sustain their current lifestyles. Relying on solar energy will help save hundreds of dollars per month to thousands of dollars per year. The second reason is unnecessary outages, which are quite common in some parts of the world. Experiencing sudden black outs can be pretty annoying and frustrating at the same time. Imagine watching your favorite television show and then suddenly the electricity is cut off from your home, how would you feel? Don’t answer that.
The third reason is its environmental impact. By burning fossil fuels, we are contributing to the destruction of our planet. Fossil fuel is the primary source of high levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Global warming is a direct impact of industrialization-led consumption of fossil fuels. It will be a nice way to protect our environment for us to run our homes using solar power instead. Also, fossil fuel will run out in the near future. It is time that we turn to renewable sources of energy that are sustainable. The sun offers an endless stream of energy that cannot be depleted. We need not worry about a possible depletion of resources unlike with oil and gas. We can be sure that fifty to one hundred years later, we will still be able to utilize solar power for electricity.
The last is availability and design. In the past, only large corporations and government agencies can afford to build such systems. Today, small-scale economical models are designed for residential housing and small businesses such as farms.
You see, there are major reasons why you should consider building solar power generators. By using the sun to make electricity, you can power your home for free. -Chris Jensen
Nice article