The first thing to think about is chemicals.
The word obesogens is rarely heard in the news, but scientists claim that these “endocrine disrupting chemicals” could be a major problem for your diet if ingested too regularly. These chemicals are mistaken for hormones by the body and messes with our metabolism. The endocrine system regulates the body’s reproduction, development and metabolism and the chemicals known as obesogens, even when ingested in minute concentrations can throw our whole system out of whack.
These chemicals include bisphenol A, which is used in some plastics and the linings of soda cans; pesticides, which can be used as a predictor for childhood obesity, increasing the likelihood; dioxins, which rain down on areas close to smokestacks and other large emission factories; and phthalates, which are found in plenty of plastics, fragrances and other consumer goods. The last one on the list there has been banned in many children’s products as they have been proven to lower boys’ testosterone levels.
The next biggest problem to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is stress.
While studies are still trying to hammer down the details of the stress-weight gain cycle, there already appears to be evidence that stress and weight gain are mutually reinforcing, whereas weight gain may lead to stress and vice versa. And as many of us know, the most stressful of times prompt the desire to reach for comfort foods, which are most often chock full of fats and sugars.
Finally, to stay healthy and in a good weight range, one must manage their sleep habits.
Scientists are still grappling for the reason why, but they are sure that those who lack enough hours of deep restless sleep are more likely to pack on the pounds. Losing sleep affects the metabolism, and may make one feel hungry when they do not need to eat. It has been noted that when we do not get enough sleep, our bodies metabolize more lean muscle and less fat, meaning that even with exercise, we may not be able to shed those unwanted pounds without a proper night’s sleep. The Body Mass Index has been shown to increase dramatically when one’s sleep is interrupted or deprived. Experts say that 6.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night is optimal, depending on your own body chemistry.
It is not too difficult to manage these three things in order to remain healthy, as organic foods and natural ingredients will ensure that your body’s metabolism will continue working the way it was intended. And, as for stress and sleep, that is up to you to manage your personal life and strike a good balance between work and play to give yourself a proper period for regeneration and to maintain a positive mental state. -greenandsave
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