While there is not yet conclusive proof that there is a link between Aluminum and Alzheimer’s, why take a chance when you don’t have to. Aluminum is at best an irritant for those who have skin conditions.
Synthetic preservatives that have been linked to various cancers, parabens should be avoided in any personal care product.
Present in many antibacterial products, including deodorants, Triclosan increases antibiotic resistance.
Most fragrances contain phthalates, known hormone disruptors. The best fragrance on a deodorant is no fragrance at all.
Solution Green Living Tips
No More Roll On
Roll on deodorants promote better absorbency of formaldehyde.
Try to Buy Organic
Organic deodorants are more of a “must-have” than your average personal care product because deodorant is absorbed into the body more easily. Organic deodorants also won’t make a huge dent in your pocketbook, where other organic personal care products will. Choose a product like a stick deodorant – it may be twice the cost of your usual gel, but it will last twice as long AND be organic.
Super Green Me Tips
Get Stoned
While initially expensive, natural deodorant stones last forever and contain alum salts which are less irritating to the skin than aluminum chloride, plus they do not generally contain all of the other irritants and petroleum distillates that regular deodorants do. They are available at your local natural health foods store or online. Keep in mind that this will stop odour, but not sweat.
Make Your Own (1 part cornstarch, 1 part baking soda. Apply with a puff after a shower or bath while the skin is still damp. Cheap, effective, and no packaging.)
Effectiveness / Result
The Facts
The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reports that some laboratory rats and mice developed cancer when implanted with polyethylene under the skin.
Esters of parabens have been found in studies of tissue resected from breast cancer tumours – from a paper published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology. -supergreenme
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