A Successful Acting Career and More
Leonardo DiCaprio launched into the international spotlight with the international blockbuster "Titanic". As leading man Jack Dawson, DiCaprio brought millions of crazed (and mostly female) fans back to the theater time and time again. He went on to star in films such as Gangs of New York and The Aviator, both Martin Scorsese films. His performances have been critically acclaimed, and he even won a Golden Globe for his performance in The Aviator.
Born on November 11, 1974, DiCaprio was the son of a legal secretary mother and comic book distributor father.
Most Passionate About...
Global Warming: "the number one environmental challenge"
One look at DiCaprio's eco website will tell you that he is concerned about the whole of earth's environmental problems, rather than just a few. The home page alone advertises campaigns to stop junk mail, recycle plastic bags, and support world wild life alone. DiCaprio knows that each link in the environmental chain matters for our ultimate survival.
The 11th Hour
In 2007 DiCaprio released The 11th Hour, a documentary which he wrote, produced and narrated. The 11th Hour documents the negative effect human activities have had on the planet, and just how little time we have to correct our actions if we want to avoid disaster. DiCaprio has also worked closely with former Vice President Al Gore on the issue of global warming, and has denounced it as "the number one environmental challenge" we face today.
Leonardo's Chairites and Projects
The Leonardo Di Caprio Foundation
The first of DiCaprio's projects was the Leonardo DiCaprio foundation, founded in 1998. The foundation serves to promote all kinds of environmental causes and campaigns, from global warming to sustainability and making fresh water available in 3rd world countries. The foundation also works closely with several other organizations including Global Green, of which DiCaprio is a chairman. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation was the launching organization for the 11th Hour film and campaign as well.
The 11th Hour
In 2007 DiCaprio released his eye-opening documentary, The 11th Hour. While the film was warmly received and had a great impact on environmentalists and critics alike, DiCaprio didn't want to just leave things at that. So he launched the 11th Hour Action campaign, which is supported by 11thhouraction.com. At this website people from all over the globe can get together to share ideas for sustainability on a global and local level. Action groups communicate using the site and share ideas with people around the world.
Other Projects
Leonardo also acts as a chairman for Global Green USA, an organization which focuses on sustainable living on a global scale. DiCaprio is also producing the new Discovery Channel show "Eco-town", which follows the reconstruction of Greensburg, Kansas after it was destroyed by a tornado. The town of 1500 people will be rebuilt with green living in mind and will serve as a model to the world of how green design can work on a real day to day basis.
How Leonardo Walks the Talk
DiCaprio as Celebrity Role Model
As an extremely popular celebrity Leonardo DiCaprio has many eyes on him, both fans and other actors. He sets the pace for all of Hollywood by eschewing private charter planes and flying commercially, for which he was recently commended. He also drives a hybrid vehicle, and has convinced other celebrities such as Orlando Bloom and Penelope Cruz to do likewise. In DiCaprio's home you can find green innovation everywhere, and he even bought an island off the coast of Belize with the intent of making it into an eco resort.
Sometimes fame and money can turn people into monsters, but Leonardo DiCaprio is a shining example of how they can be turned into a positive force for change. Hopefully, all of Hollywood will follow suit and help us achieve a cleaner tomorrow. -supergreenme
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