it's about how to save our planet from global warming.
Why?? cause not just ME stay in this planet there are YOU, THEM, OUR KIDS AND MANY BEAUTIFUL THING. so come on let's save OUR PLANET!!
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Jun 19, 2009

Eco Friendly Shopping Bags – Alternatives are Available

The polyethylene shopping bag had its fifteen minutes of fame a decade or so back, when they were he perfect replacement for paper bags. Paper bags ripped easily, came apart when they got wet and also were increasing in price at an alarming rate. Then slowly people all over the globe began to notice something strange. Polyethylene shopping bags were becoming a litter nuisance that just wouldn't go away. Bags would lodge in fences storm drains and crevices and could stay there for years, unless someone took the time to remove them.

A New Public Awareness

The public began to become aware of other things as well that shone a bad light on their technological wonder shopping bags. One of those shocking facts that has come to light, is that they take up to a thousand years to break down in landfills and release extremely toxic chemicals into the environment as they do.

Shoppers Prefer Eco Friendly Shopping Bags

With landfills across the world now being tapped as as source for natural methane gas to provide energy, this is a real problem that is only going to get worse as time progresses. So, now eco friendly shopping bags are looking like the next act to score a hit. The good news is that the public is aware of them prefer to shop at stores that use them.

Great Promotion

This means that stores that use eco friendly shopping bags with advertising printed on them get twice the advertising bang for their buck. Once for their advertising message and then again, because the bag is eco friendly which of course would be discreetly printed on the bottom of the bag.

Read Up On Plastics

So while there is a wide choice of eco friendly shopping bags now available that are made from “organic based” plastics, the race is on to develop even newer technologies in eco friendly shopping bags. So, before you make your final selection on any biodegradable plastic bags it is highly recommended that you read up on “plastics” a bit online. -Tanya Faddelstein

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