Following these simple suggestions will eliminate those odors. Even if you have left the refrigerator door open and all the food is rotten inside, these tricks will return your refrigerator to that new smell. No longer will the stench of rotten meat greet you when you open the door.
The first order of business is to remove everything that is in the refrigerator. This is a good time to check the labels on everything for an expiration date. Throw away all the expired and spoiled foods.
This would be a good time to learn about composting and what food products can be added to a compost pile. Spoiled vegetables could be added to a compost system, but it is not advisable to add spoiled meat.
Spoiled food contains all sorts of microorganisms, so be sure and wash your hands thoroughly after handling anything spoiled.
Place anything that is still edible into a cooler to keep it cold while you clean the refrigerator. If you think the items will be out for a while, add ice to the cooler.
Start by removing and cleaning all the shelves and drawers. In most refrigerators, they come out easily and can be cleaned in the sink. Just remember to mark them so you know how they go back into the refrigerator. Always use eco-friendly cleaning products. Harsh chemicals have no place in a refrigerator.
Check for panels that are removable, often times food drips lurk behind these panels. Wipe down all the walls and floors of the refrigerator, even the hard to reach areas.
If you have an especially strong odor in the refrigerator, purchasing freshly ground coffee or activated charcoal may help. The use of activated charcoal is a long standing method of removing odors, but use it with caution; it may stain your refrigerator.
Newspaper is also often used as an odor absorbent, so place a layer of newspaper on the refrigerator shelf and then spread the freshly ground coffee or charcoal on a tray on top of the newspaper. Close your refrigerator door, and leave it closed for at least 24 to 48 hours.
After that time, discard the charcoal or coffee. Coffee grinds and activated charcoal (not the type of charcoal used for barbeque grills) are great for the garden, so be sure and compost them.
Replace the food into the refrigerator, as the smell should have been removed. Go to the grocery store and purchase a box of baking soda. Open the top of the box and place it in your refrigerator. This will also help remove odors. Replace the box monthly or as recommended on the manufacturer's label.
Some other natural products that will help with the smell are lemons, or fresh lavender or eucalyptus leaves. These products will leave your refrigerator with a natural earthy scent.
When leaving your refrigerator for an extended length of time, clean the refrigerator after removing all the food. The last thing you need to do is leave food to spoil in a refrigerator without power.
Always leave the refrigerator door open a bit when leaving it unplugged for a long time. Placing a towel over the open door will keep it from being shut accidently, and trapping moisture inside. Even a clean refrigerator will begin to smell if it gets warm inside and the door is closed.
To keep you refrigerator smelling good, always use sealed containers to store food. You will also want to make it a habit to regularly check the expiration dates on food goods so they don't hang around after they are expired. Always date food that you put in the refrigerator so you don't forget how long they have been in there. Don't rely on your memory.
Here is another trick to consider if you are leaving your refrigerator running for an extended time while you are away. Place a bowl of loose ice cubes in the freezer. When you return home, check that the ice is still in cube shapes. If they have melted, you may have had an extended power failure and the food you left in the refrigerator is most likely spoiled. -Beverly Saltonstall
A box of baking soda, replaced monthly, absorbs odors in the fridge or freezer. Sometimes you can find them with tear-off panels that expose a filter, especially for odor absorption.